I hit 30 on a Sunday might as well go give praise!!
So, I had mixed emotions today I was crossing over to another year and it was hitting me WOW I have been here for 30 years. The popular saying is to change how you feel the first thing you do is change your look. So, of course the first thing I did the day before was to get a new hair cut as seen in my previous post. Something not to dramatic but a few inches shorter for a nice clean look. The next thing is you cant have a birthday without a new outfit. Since it landed on a Sunday you better know I wanted to show off a little bit lol. The days came quickly and it got to a few days before my big day and I still hadn’t made a decision on an outfit so, I went with the next best thing a mauve petal sleeve dress an option I had seen a few months prior. When I emailed the seller if it was possible for me to get the dress in time she made me aware that it could be done I just had to pay a little extra. But, unfortunately there was a mix up at the post office and the dress didn’t arrive. So, I had no other choice: lets go to the closet. I pulled out my polka dot and strip black and white dress from ETSY. I added a pop of color with a light blue flower and paired it with my GOJANE high black heels with gold embellishment and made it a “BIRTHDAY SUNDAY”. I was disappointed my dress didn’t come but surely I was greatful I made it another year.
Dress: Black and white polka dot top/strip bottom (Etsy)
Shoes: Black high heels(Gojane)
Flower: Blue (Walmart)